Obviously, most forumer may put signature on each of their post/reply in any forum site. Some of them may put any link about their own site, some fancy banner or images related to their site/program/etc and maybe some attracted text. I try all that and as a blogger, everytime I published new post on my blog, I have to change all my signature on each forum that I join.

Sometime, it takes me an hour to finish it all since so far I join into 20 forum site. Can you imagine if I got more than 20 forum? Now you thinking what am i thinking (",). In order to get more backlink@visitors to your site/blog, signature is a must do kinda thing.

So here what I found on how to make a signature for a 'lazy' forumer.

Step 1
Register your web/blog at http://www.feedburner.com/

Step 2
Type in your blog adress.

Step 3
Select your option.

Step 4
Give your feed its title and feedburner.com address, then activate your feed.

Do not click 'Next' but clcik 'Skip directly to feed management'

Step 5
Click on Publicize

Step 6
Click on 'Headline Animator'

Step 7
Get your code and make sure you change it into bbcode before paste it as your signature. Make it like this: